Tag Archives: obaucuscare

Support HB 526

Support HB 526
Hearing Mon. March 7 RM. 317 3PM

SUPPORT – HB526 – Create interstate health care compact, by Champ Edmunds (R ) HD 100 champ.edmunds@yahoo.com


Hearing (S) Public Health, Welfare and Safety Monday March 7, Room 317, 3:00 PM

Text of bill: http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2011/billhtml/HB0526.htm


This bill creates a compact between multiple states, enabling them to lobby Congress to return control of healthcare regulation and healthcare funding to the states.


Call Capitol Switchboard – 406-444-4800 – [leave message for (S) Public Health, Welfare and Safety committee]


Or email web form – http://leg.mt.gov/css/sessions/62nd/legwebmessage.asp – [to the (S) Public Health, Welfare and Safety committee]