Category Archives: Local Issues

Continue to fight for our REPUBLIC!

Looks like Montana is welcoming back winter.  We were enjoying our extended Indian summer.  Wasn’t the weather just great over Christmas and New Years? Global warming is so great.  But, alas, it is not so great for the snowbound towns and fuel short towns of Alaska.  Record snows and cold up there.  We count our blessings here.


We three managers of Montana Shrugged would like to thank the recent flurry of contributions that came in over Christmas. We especially would like to thank Greg from Red Lodge for his most generous contribution of $500.  These true patriots are helping us carve our way to more activities and rallies.


We have a huge battle in front of us this year to get good Constitutional and Fiscal conservatives elected in Montana and across the US.  We are feeling real good in this fight for freedom and prosperity.  Our belief is that over 100 million citizens follow our movement and support our ideas.  With this size of a voter block we WILL change the leadership in America.  And it is all thanks to you.Please ask your friends and family to sign up and contribute as you can.


We are working on plans for a unique activity for this year’s April 15th rally.  We are planning a large event with many surprises. There will be a final Governor Showdown at the OK corral if you will.  WE plan on having a real down to earth Hoedown.  Stay tuned for details and be sure to put the date on your calendars.


We can make this a huge deal for our beliefs.  WE can show the non believers that we are here to stay and we are here for all of America.  We do not leave out any percentages as the Occupy Wallstreet radicals do.  We are America.  We are the Silent Majority.  Hear US roar.


Please read the presentation on the event below and make every attempt to attend.  Robert Brown with the John Birch Society is very knowledgeable in the ways of our Constitution.  It will be very entertaining and educational to learn about the Greatest Document ever written to rule man.  Our Republic needs all of us to educate ourselves and educate others to the wisdom of this great document.  We are not a Democracy, where simple majority rules.  A democracy is where the socialist elites would have us heading.  Well, we the people need to stand up for our Republic and fight for the Constitution.


A note from the John Birch Society –

Robert Brown is coming to town this Tuesday the 17th! It has been some time since we have had the honor of a presentation from Robert. He has agreed to pump us up with a new presentation that he is preparing for video production and national distribution. Among other things, learn about sound money and how our Constitution can keep it that way.


I know this is a short notice but you don’t want to miss Robert’s smooth and entertaining delivery of a topic that we must understand in order to save the economy. Please come and bring a friend!


– 7:00 pm Tuesday 17th

– Lexington Inn and Suites

– 3040 King Ave W.


Please plan on attending this great educational event.  I apologize now, but Jennifer and I cannot attend as we are drilling a horizontal well north of Roundup, Montana. Yes, the rumors are true, we are actually drilling a well in Montana, not Pennsylvania, not Wyoming, not North Dakota.  Can you believe that?


Oh, and Jennifer, my wife, and I would like to thank the completely misguided cowardly liberal who keeps sending the awful postcards harassing us and our family.  It is only to be expected that liberals hide behind fences, blog sites, harassing mail, op eds, etc. to try to make their point.  The problem is that they have no point that they can stand on.  They have no base or legs to stand on. They are poor misguided souls, led completely by ignorance and by the lies of the Democratic Socialist elites.  Cowards they are.


I have challenged all Democratic political legislators to discuss the important issues of the day on my television interview show and none have accepted.  I have challenged all Republican political appointees and candidates and they have all accepted in one manner or another.


I have challenged all news agencies in Billings as well as others across the State to report fair and balanced news.  They refuse. They show their ignorance and their political bent by supporting the likes of Occupy Wallstreet and their totally misguided mission statements.  They ignore the one and only grassroots movement that has come along in the past 100 years that supports Constitutional and fiscally sound issues.  Issues that are so critical to our survival as the greatest country on earth.  What are they thinking?  Oh, they are not.  I forgot that they too are completely controlled by the liberal elitists such as George Soros.


Obama is playing his fiddle while America burns and they pull the wool over their reader’s eyes.  They are complicit in the destruction of America.  We should cancel our subscriptions.  We should not purchase from their advertisers.  We should do a mass email campaign against all of them.  We have the power to make real change happen. Unified, as one of the largest tea party groups in America, we can make that change start right here in Yellowstone County, Montana.


I have personally invited Senators Baucus and Tester to come on and discuss issues to no avail.  All I get is that somewhat polite but quiet approval but always a no show.  Are these the kind of leaders that we need? I think not.


I have to take my hat off to Congressman Denny Rehberg as he has braved my show for an hour and one half in the past year.  The Patriot Chronicles IS fair and balanced.  We report you decide, just like Fox News but without their political bias.


Enough said. As you can tell there is lots of work to do.  We need your help to increase membership and increase contributions.


God Bless you all and God Bless America.

Natural Resources – Montana’s Path to Prosperity

There has been tremendous response to our presentation on Natural Resources so I’ve decided to post it here for you.

You can watch Eric giving the presentation HERE.

You can see the Q & A HERE.

Or you can download the presentation by clicking on the link below.

Natural Resources – Montana’s Path to Prosperity

TEA party convention, Upcoming Luncheon, Top Priority Bills….

I am just amazed at how fast time flies by when you are chasing politicians.

There are many great things happening in Helena, Montana.  The new conservatives there combined with the good old guard are passing critical legislation to enhance our States Rights and reduce the bulging Schweitzer budgets.

This success in Helena could not have happened without your great support and voting conservative last November.

We have lots of work to do to continue working through legislation in Helena for next two months.  The progressive agenda on the left is being pushed hard in committees.  The State, County and local governments are lobbying hard to keep your taxes high, keep your healthcare costs high, limit your individual rights and freedoms, etc.. This is tragic but the true nature of government protecting their extravagant wages and benefits.  We at Montana Shrugged are fighting this push daily and we need your support on the bills as well as generous financial contributions so that we may forge ahead on this successful movement.

We have Montana’s First Annual TEA party Convention to be held in Helena on February 18-19.  Please make every effort to be there. This convention is historic for Montana as very few States have had a State Convention as yet. This puts Montana as leaders in this effort and puts our agenda of limited government, lower budgets, no deficits, lower taxes and prosperity for all on the fast track.

The details for the convention are on our website at  Please sign up before 10th of February to save extra fees.

If you do not know already, we now have 5000 email members.  This makes Montana Shrugged one of the largest groups, if not the largest group in America.  This is astounding and we thank you all for jumping on board.  Our voices are being heard loud and clear even though you do not see it in local news.  The movement is huge across America and with your help and contributions; we will make another huge change in 2012.

Historically, a party needs control of all three branches of federal government to make changes and the Democratic Party has been successful a considerable portion of time over past 100 years.  The Republican Party has only had this control for 4 years of that time. Hence we have many costly social programs that are bankrupting our great nation.    For example, President Johnson rammed through his Great Society in the 1960’s which immediately increase federal budget 35%.  These programs now represent over 60% of federal budget and are huge burdens on State budgets.  We need to fix these problems through instilling personal responsibility and accountability into the individual.  We need to improve the free enterprise system as we diminish the size of government as did President Calving Coolidge resulting in the Roaring Twenties.  Our mission is to reinstate the roaring twenties but 100 years later.  Are you with US?

Again, we can only do this with your continued personal and financial support.  Please send $50, $25, $10 or any sum you can afford. Remember that you are investing in America and its future.

Thank you and please come rally with US in Helena at the Convention.

Registration Form

Convention Agenda


Call to Action – LTE Campaign

This past Wednesday we had a guest speaker – Jason Thomas.  He delivered a great speech and gave us many great ideas in order to grow our membership and be more effective as an organization.

As an attempt to gain control of our communities we are challenging you all to write letters to your local newspapers.  Our first topic is Obamacare and how it relates to both the budget and dificit spending.

We all know that most of our media outlets are extremely liberal.  So…..How do you get the media to cover your story?  You make them believe that your story IS a story that readers want to hear about.  We believe that if we can get just 280 letters submitted by the end of February then we will be well on our way to having the press cover our events in the future.

Know anything about the Cloward-Piven Stategy?  Ultimately it’s to overwhelm the system.  The liberals are very good at doing this so we need to beat them at their game.  Our goal is to overwhelm the media/newspapers system with our conservative opinion pieces.

We encourage you all to write your own but if you do not have the time please send one of ours.  If you prefer to use a sample letter we’ve provided those on our website.

A list of all media contacts across the state of Montana can be located on our website HERE.

Here are some helpful informational documents regarding Obamacare that may help you write your letters.

5 Reasons to Repeal

Claim and Response

CLASS program

Enact Real Medical Liability Reform

End Government Funded Abortions

Impact of Health Reform on the Practice of Medicine

Impact on SeniorsImpact on the Insured

Important Facts About Obamacare

Obamacare Employer Mandate will increase costs and destroy jobs

Obamacare fiscal case for repeal

Obamacare Medicaid Facts

Obamacare Tax Increases

Obamacare will hurt small businesses

Response to Claims in Dem Letter

Response to Dem Claims







HB 206 – Constitutional amendment on freedom to choose health care coverage.

I know this is late notice but Friday, Jan 28, 3pm, the first of a series of bills that reject Obamacare in Montana is being heard in the Human Services committee.  Gary MacLaren is sponsoring the bill and could really use all of our support at the hearing.  If at all possible, go to the capital and support the following bill:


HB 206 – Constitutional amendment on freedom to choose health care coverage.


This is an amendment to Article II of the Montana Constitution providing for the right to choose health insurance coverage.  If passed in the Act will be submitted to the voters on the 2012 ballot.


This is the link to the 2-page bill which reads:


“(1) All individuals and employers have the right to choose whether or not to purchase or participate in any plan of health insurance coverage. No individual or employer shall pay a fine, penalty, or fee or be subject to civil or criminal sanction for exercising the right to choose whether to purchase or participate in health insurance coverage.

(2) A health care provider shall not pay a fine, penalty, or fee or be subject to civil or criminal sanction for accepting direct payment for health care services from an individual or an employer, on behalf of an employee, if the individual or employer has exercised the right to choose whether to purchase or participate in a plan of health insurance coverage.”


DETAILS – 1st Annual TEA party Convention – Montana

The 1st Annual TEA Party Convention in Montana will be held February 18 & 19th in Helena.


For a current agenda pleaseCLICK HERE.


For the registration form pleaseCLICK HERE.


We expect to have guests attend from all of the 50 states.  This will be very exciting  for patriot activits across Montana.  Please consider attending.


If you have questions please contact us at


Registration forms can be dropped off at our office or mailed to 208 N 29th St. Ste 230, Billings, MT 59101.


We look forward to seeing you all in Helena!



BILLS TO WATCH THIS WEEK AT THE MONTANA LEGISLATURE: The Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and the Montana County Attorneys Association (the usual suspects) opposed the bill. If we can pry SB 114 out of the Senate Judiciary committee, we can probably get it through the Senate, and we can almost certainly get it through the House.

We can overcome the opposition of MSPOA and MCAA, but it will take some work. Certain members of the Senate Judiciary Committee need to hear from you now. Some are known for us, some are known against us, and some need contact. Against us are Senators Larry Jent, Lynda Moss, Anders Blewett and Shannon Augare, all Democrats.

Certainly for the bill are sponsorGreg Hinkle and Senator Terry Murphy. Here are the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who need contact. Because they missed the public hearing: SenatorsJim Peterson (R-Senate President) and Chas Vincent (R).

Because I don’t know much about him: Senator Rowlie Hutton (R). Swing votes but can be persuaded (most important): SenatorsCliff Larsen (D-Missoula) and Jim Shockley (R-Victor). For any of these, you can leave messages at the Legislative Message Center (weekdays), at 444-4800.

The message can be as short as “Please support SB 114.” For any of these, you can use the Legislature’s Online message form: Email. Be advised that while email is easiest for us, it’s iffy for legislators. Some legislators attend to email well, and some don’t. You can certainly send messages by all three methods, to all legislators mentioned, even every day until the Committee acts on SB 114 (very soon, but not yet).

If you wish to include an email message, here are the email addresses for the Senators who need messages (in order of priority): Senator Cliff Larsen Senator Jim Shockley Senator Jim Peterson Senator Chas Vincent Senator Rowlie Hutton The Subject line of these emails should be “Please support SB 114” so they will get the message even if they don’t have time to read the email.

NOTE WELL: BE POLITE, and these Senator won’t have time to read more than about 50 words. Be concise!! If you send emails, copy SB 114 bill sponsor Senator Hinkle so he can see what you’re sending: Senator Greg Hinkle Okay, it’s now up to you.

Get messages to these critical senators. Let’s get SB 114 cranked out of Judiciary Committee!!


Register for the 1st Annual TEA Party Convention!

The 1st annual tea party convention will be held in Helena, MT on February 18 & 19th.


CLICK HERE for the registration form.  It’s also available on our website:


You can mail or drop it by our office at 208 N 29th St Ste 230 in downtown Billings.


Keynote speaker is Roger Hedgecock who frequently fills in for Rush Limbaugh.  Aaron Flint of Voices of Montana will air his show live from the convention, Friday, February 18th.  Once we get a final agenda I will post that as well for your information.


Be sure to register today!

SB 33 Hearing TODAY at the capital

SB 33



Senate State Administration Committee

Using on line web form –

Hearing date: 1/14/2011

Hearing time: 3:00

Room: 335


I submitted this to all of the newspapers across MT.  I thought that I would share it with you.


Contrary to the spin the Deomcrats are putting out that the GOP Legislature voted to raise its salary ON January 12 on the HB 1 (“feed bill” vote, it is just not true). Article V Section V of the Montana Constitution states that the Legislature cannot fix its compensation. They can vote this time to raise the pay next time. They are not going to do that.  They are focused on cutting the budget and reducing the size and scope of the state government.  With pressure from conservative activists across the state we will get a handle on the Governor’s enormous budget increase and keep the government from overreaching its thumb into our everyday lives.  Total control of the people is not what our founding fathers had in mind.

The money the State pays for ALL State employees’ health insurance rose on Jan 1st as a result of the House voting LAST SESSION. Their per diem went up about 1.5% – but the Legislature has no control over that. The State sets that.

The bill on January 12th voted in the money to fund this Legislative session and the start of the next session.

The Democrats did not vote on the bill on the floor – they voted on the actions of the Appropriations subcommittees cutting the budget yesterday. 100% of Republicans voted for the bill and 100% of the Democrats voted against it, trying to make a point.  So much for the democrats “working with” the Republicans.  The Republicans gained control of the Montana legislature because the people were upset by how the Democrats were “doing business” at the capital in the previous session.

Let them not forget why they are in Helena.  They work for the people, hence the title “public servants”.  The people want government reined in and the budget cut.  Are they listening?