Tag Archives: GOP

7 days…..

What have you done to effect real change on November 2?

Whether or not you helped by talking to your neighbors, helping a candidate with a literature drop, making phone calls for your candidate of choice, or placing a bumper sticker on your car, there has been no better year than now to effect real change in both Washington as well as locally at home.

With only 7 days left until the election, political ads are everywhere!  Whether they be funny, attack-like, or just regular old ads, you can’t miss them.

Here is an ad that you must watch if you have not already!  Remember a while back when Barbara Boxer suggested he “worked hard for the title of Senator”?

Or how about this ad where Barney Frank’s opponent Sean Bielat released this video “Disco Dancing Queen”.

I don’t know about you but I will be pleased when November 2 comes and goes and TV is back to ‘normal’.  Then again, it’ll be on to 2012….

What’s on your Congressman’s mind?

Some how the state of Montana ended up with a Republican Congressman who hosts townhalls in every single county every single year and two Democrat Senators who refuse to host any townhalls let alone show up in a public place in the state of Montana that has not got a crowd that is specifically handpicked by their staff members.

Do you see a problem there?  What happened to being a ‘public servant’?  Don’t Baucus and Tester realize they work for US?  We might not all agree with their agendas…..and some folks may strongly disagree…..but those ‘public servants’ should always be working with the people’s best interests in mind.  Not working for the best interests of their pocketbooks.

We had the honor of intervewing our sole Congressman, Denny Rehberg, on our TV show for the second time.  It’s not that I have never invited Baucus and Tester…..they have never have accepted our requests.  Same goes for the Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Democrat legislative candidates…..get the picture?

We drove all the way to Bozeman for Jon Tester’s small business workshop to invite him on our show.  Did he accept?  No.  We even drove to Butte and attended the “Economic Summit” to invite Baucus on to our show and did he accept?  Of course not.  Although Baucus did say that if we tried to talk politics outside of the “free speech zone” that he’d cut us off at the knees.  Oh, and don’t forget the Giddyup speech!

So, here is your chance to watch our episode of the Patriot Chronicles.  There are 2 parts below.

Thanks for watching!

a possible communist in the White House.

This past weekend, on October 2nd, America witnessed first-hand exactly what we are up against in the fight to save America- COMMUNISM. And it comes right from the top, with Obama in it all the way up to his neck.

The rally held on October 2nd on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial was a socialist event, with none other than Barack Obama’s own “Organizing for America” group involved in the promotion of the event (along with up to 400 other leftist, socialist, and Marxist groups). The Communist Workers of America (CWA) were there, as well as the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) – and the list just goes on and on with socialist groups that attended.

I never thought I would see the day when the President of the United States would be a supporter of communism- yet that day is here. Not only is he a supporter, but Obama needs to be viewed for what he is, and only then America can see exactly what we may be faced faced with- a possible communist in the White House.

Sounds like crazy talk? Two years ago and I would have said so myself. But faced with what we are now seeing, Obama is more than just a Democrat with socialist tendencies. Obama’s mother, father, and maternal grandparents (who raised him) were Communists. Obama himself wrote that while in college he purposefully affiliated himself with socialists and Marxists. Since being elected President Obama has again surrounded himself with Communists, including Van Jones, and many other Communist sympathizers who openly admire Karl Marx and Chairman Mao. Only after being exposed for what they were by Fox News (not ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN) did some of those persons leave his employment as aides. The White House Christmas tree even featured an ornament adorned with the portrait of Chairman Mao last year.

Is all of this stuff just coincidence? Possibly. But each and every day that goes by, and we see who Obama has surrounded himself with, and his truly socialist agenda that he is attempting to implement, I think it becomes clear who he really is.

Obama has openly criticized Tea Party rallies, and Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally on 8/28 that was held at the Lincoln Memorial. Yet Obama and his “Organizing for America” group openly promoted the socialist rally on 10/2. That in itself speaks volumes. Look at all of the indicators that are out there, and then make up your own mind. Remember the old saying “If it looks like a duck, flies like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck- it’s a duck“.

Wake up, America. If we don’t take back Congress on November 2nd we will be in deep trouble. Vote conservative!!!

“If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions.” – James Madison

Cool Your Jets KVD!

Watch as Representative (radical hothead) Kendall Van Dyk lashes out at opponents and calls other representatives “intellectually small” because they are adamant opponents to “his bill” HD 314 in the last session of the MT legislature.
Do we really want to send people to our capital who have clear temper issues?
Maybe we should explore all option before we as citizens jump into the brackish waters of government managed private property…..
Do we really want to give FWP the police power to control private property owners’ rights?
One FWP even said “if I can’t fish on your land…..then nobody can”.  What else would you expect from government workers within the FWP division?

Funny how KVD decided to quietly allow this bill to be tabled afterall that commotion.  He knew it was a bad bill.  Just face it…

Watch out for wolf in sheep’s clothing

As you are already aware, the upcoming election here in Montana provides us numerous opportunities to help send people to our state legislature and the US Congress who will fight for our freedoms.  What may be off your radar screen is the race to elect a new Montana Supreme Court Justice. But the impact that the courts can have on those freedoms is just as important.  That’s why we must maintain vigilance in our mission to protect liberty and ensure that the right candidate is elected to this position.

Many of us know quite a bit about one of the candidates, Nels Swandal, because of his record as a District Judge (see his dissent in Wallace v. State of Montana where he fights to protect private property rights with a reference to Ayn Rand, http://courts.mt.gov).  But the other candidate in the race is a lawyer from Helena that we heard little from except for her backing from extreme environmental groups and left-wing unions.  That is until I saw a letter that a friend of mine received from our former Republican(?) Governor Marc Racicot in support of Beth Baker’s candidacy.

Apparently, Baker and Racicot became good friends when she worked for him in the Justice Department.  So instead of standing on any kind of principal to ensure that Montana gets a strong, freedom-oriented Justice on the court, Racicot decided to work to elect his good friend, liberal lawyer Beth Baker.  That’s absolutely the kind of good old boy cronyism that we have been fighting daily from the politicians in Washington, D.C.  I guess from Racicot, I shouldn’t be surprised.  You see, since he left Montana after the deregulation debacle, our former Governor has been spending his days roaming Washington, D.C. as a lobbyist with a high-powered client list filled with names like Enron and the insurance industry.

The people of Montana deserve better than the Washington, D.C. cronyism that Marc Racicot is showing in his endorsement of liberal lawyer Beth Baker and her extreme environmentalist friends.  While our mothers always warned us to be wary of a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, remember before you vote in this election to also be prepared for the “Republican in name only”, Marc Racicot.  The Supreme Court is too important for us to fall for those tricks.  They may work for Racicot’s lobbyist friends, but we must remain diligent to keep another liberal lawyer off of the bench.

A Tale of Two Candidates

Incumbent Republican Senator Roy Brown v Democratic Challenger Kendall Van Dyk

In an otherwise slow election year, the Montana Senate District 25 race between incumbent Republican Roy Brown and Democratic challenger Kendall Van Dyk, who is currently representing HD 49 in Montana’s state legislature, will no doubt be one of the most competitive as well as the most expensive. Senator Brown, who is semi-retired from the real estate business, promotes smaller government, tax cuts, economic growth, and development of our state’s natural resources, while protecting family values and the sanctity of life.  His opponent, a career environmental activist/community organizer (radical hothead),  Kendall Van Dyk in contrast, favors the conservation of native birds, promoting the use of political muscle to achieve economic and social justice, protecting a woman’s right to end the life of her baby and challenging intolerance and bigotry.

Despite being widely lauded by the left as a warrior of sportsmen’s rights, Van Dyk was only able to secure a ‘C’ rating with the Montana Shooting Sports Association (Senator Roy Brown received an “A”grade). Campaigning primarily on the passage of the streams access bill he sponsored, Van Dyk’s boasting suggests that if not for his involvement, Montanans may have never had the opportunity to fish again.   Although he deserves credit for his work involved with the bill, his version of it was deeply flawed and passed only after  Republican Senators Essmann, Shockley, and Story, Chairman of Fish & Game Committee Barkus,  and representatives from various ag/sportsmen/landowner groups were able to reach a compromise. According to Senator Story:

” Van Dyk’s contribution to this process was to threaten, bully and attack some of those who were working to fix his flawed bill. Even though he was assured that we were not going to kill his bill, he still persisted in this juvenile behavior”.

Van Dyk’s voting record asserts that he is no fan of developing our state’s national resources.  He frequentlycomplains about tax loopholes for “big oil”, even sponsoring a bill to fund education on the backs of the oil industry with an additional one dollar tax on every single barrel of oil produced in our state- during a recession.  Although Montana possesses a wealth of natural resources, our tax policies are already decidedly unfavorable to the oil industry as well as Main Street small businesses.   Instead of  promoting a business friendly atmosphere in our state, Representative Van Dyk chose to focus his votes on protecting the following important interests:

  • NARAL Pro Choice Montana….100% Roy Brown’s score: 10%
  • Montana Conservation Voters….100% Roy Brown’s score: 8%
  • Montana Environmental Information Center….100% Roy Brown’s score:  0%
  • Northern Plains Resource Council….100% Roy Brown’s score:  27%
  • Teamsters Local 190….100% Roy Brown’s score:  34%
  • Montana AFL-CIO…. 100% Roy Brown’s score:    25%

Considering Montana’s projected economic woes, it is concerning that Representative Van Dyk wasn’t able to achieve such high ratings with the following pro-business interest groups:

  • Montana Chamber of Commerce….8% Roy Brown’s score:  100%
  • Montana National Federation of Independent Business….33% Roy Brown’s score:   89%
  • Montana Business Leadership Council…. D- Roy Brown’s grade:  A+

Kendall  “Tax Hike” Van Dyke may be a rising star within his party of young progressives, but being a loyal supporter of Obama in a state where his approval rating is hovering around 38% isn’t likely to assist him in this race. So, thanks solely to Van Dyk,  sportsmen are able to access streams and the relieved parents of autistic children can now obtain insurance.  If, however, the government continues to prevent development of our natural resources, many of us will be unemployed.  If we aren’t able to buy food, we won’t be buying that autism insurance either.  Thank Van Dyk for the streams access law- we may have no choice but to utilize it once we are unemployed and suddenly faced with fishing for our dinner.


Would you trust either one of these guys with your vote?


Will Roy “Big Oil” Brown (yes, he worked in the oil industry 14 years ago but if he’s “Big Oil” then I must be “Gargantuan Oil”…or “BigFoot Oil”?) fall victim to his opponent’soutrageous accusations of theft:

“By contrast, when Roy Brown and Judy Martz were in charge, they had to steal $30 million from the workers compensation fund to cover their deficit” Kendall Van Dyk


Taking individual freedoms away one Montanan at a time.


Or worse yet, will the lingering rumors about Senator Brown’s covert vegetarianism cost him the election?  In just over a month, Montanans in Senate District 25 will be choosing between an energetic, progressive community organizer and a mature, successful, conservative business man.


This important notice is being forwarded to each of you as sent to us by Senator Hinkle.  Senator Hinkle points out that this could have serious consequences to private property.
Please read this information thoroughly and access the web links provided.  Also please note there is a crucial meeting in Helena on Tuesday, September 14th, at 11:30 AM.

Article Headline
EQC meeting in Helena on September 14th at 11:30am. Chairman Chas Vincent will be discussing new private property land takings by FWP for proposed stream setbacks under a near web-based program called “Crucial Areas Planning System” (CAPS).
CAPS is not a science based program but only a mapping application with many GIS layers.
Here is a list of the layers in the CAPS.

  • 500 fish and wildlife species
  • Vegetation communities
  • Terrestrial habitat information
  • Fisheries habitat information
  • Habitat connectivity
  • Stream connectivity
  • Native Species Richness
  • Species of concern including 11 species of birds
  • Conservation Acquisition Targets
  • Bio-diversity
  • Game quality
  • Wetlands
  • Riparian areas
  • Watershed integrity
  • Human caused influences
  • Energy development
  • Energy corridors
  • Transportation corridors
  • Density populations out to 2020
  • Legal Boundaries
  • Hunter activity and expenditures
  • Human caused influences (including 13 variables)
  • Development
  • Infrastructure

More layers are planned to be added to this application!

The Madison County Planning Board listened to a presentation by FWP staffer Doris Fisher at their August 30th meeting. Several comments by Ms. Fisher should concern every property owner in Montana. It seems the FWP will now engage in land use planning. Here are a few of Ms. Fisher’s comments at this meeting.

  • Buffers and setbacks for water bodies (130 to 300 feet)
  • Buffers and setbacks along with density requirements for native grasslands and shrubs.
  • “the smaller the setback range, the greater the human encroachment.”
  • it would be ideal for people to consult with FWP before they made a land purchase.
  • create “living with Wildlife” covenants for projects.
  • “The goal is to decrease habitat fragmentation and increase habitat connectivity and habitat corridors across state lines.”
  • “entire counties in Montana have been identified as Areas of Concern.”

There is absolutely no science behind the CAPS project by FWP and none of this information has been peer reviewed.  It is all about land control and removing humans from the environment.

It is very clear that FWP is fully engaged in the Wildlands Project and the Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative.  It will take the full involvement of Montana citizens to turn this around.

PLEASE ACCESS THIS WEB LINK below to learn more about the CAPS PROJECT:


Please mark your calendar for
EQC Meeting

September 14th
11:30  am

Helena State Capitol

Room 172

Get additional insight as to what the environmentalists, FWP and EQC are up to — Also, if you look at Senator Jon Testers ‘Land Grab’ Bill – a.k.a.  ‘Forest Jobs and Recreation Act of 2009’ — you will notice the similarities between the above and his bill.   Bill # S.1470
CHECK OUT S-1470 HERE  ( http://thomas.loc.gov/ )

It’s Not Rocket Science….Cut The Budget!

Montana Shrugged TEA Party Patriots visited the Capitol in Helena Montana today to join up with many other patriots to rally around the theme of  “Cut The Budget”!

Eric, Jennifer and Kimberly along with Nicole represented the Billings TEA Party group.

Many of Montana’s legislators were working at the Capitol to understand the dire circumstances surrounding the ever eroding surplus bragged about by our Governor-Schweitzer.

The fact is that there is not a surplus and we are headed into a huge chasm called deficit next year which could exceed $500 million….

Thanks Governor and thanks to the liberal voting members of the chamber for that one!

A large number of patriots attended the event.  Event organizers from Helena put on a good show.  We thank you for all of your time and commitment in order to get it all accomplished!

They reckoned a seven foot log to be the budget and proceeded to trim a portion of the budget with a two man cross cut saw.

Tim Ravndal finished cutting the budget off the log with many noisy slices made with a Stihl chain saw.

As Tim used to be a lumberjack, he made quick work of trimming the remainder of the $500 million deficit.

Conservative lawmakers watched on close by knowing they were safe, whilst the nervous budget busting liberals watched nervously from the second floor of the capitol with their drippy noses making a mosaic on the previously clean windows.  We also got a couple middle fingers from the second floor bystanders!

Eric gave a short speech to the crowd praising them for their attendance and their continued efforts to fix America..Starting with Montana.

Many of the conservative GOP legislators gave their two bits of great advice to the hungry crowd.

A great many news reporters from the television media, radio and newspapers worked the concerned crowd.

Off in the distant a number of liberal plants moved into view holding a sign stating that Denny Rehberg is a RINO… a face without emotion gave him away as a deadbeat libtard.

Along with him a lone young lady was searching frantically in the crowd to get a signature on her petition to outlaw trapping of animals.  Her requests fell on deaf ears.

The Cut the Budget rally lasted for two hours and was a great show and inspiration to all.

The weather was beautiful and bright and gently warm.  A perfect day for a ‘Budget Cutting Rally’.

GOP Kickoff In Great Falls, MT, Success For TEA Parties!

Great Falls, Mont., February 12, 2010

Tea Party leaders from Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Helena, Big Timber and Glendive met in Great Falls to network, learn from each other and discuss the formation of the Montana Tea Party Coalition.

TEA Party Organizers of Montana Shrugged mingle with folks excited to see the outcome of the upcoming election!

The Tea Party movement has strong brand identification, one of the strongest of any political organization in the United States.  Along with holding freedom rallies, protests and educational events, members of the Tea Party in Montana are looking to leverage its brand and its broad support among Montanans to impact the 2010 elections and the public policy debate.

The Montana Tea Party is working on identifying candidates who support its principles of limited government, fiscal accountability, free market economy and Constitutional goverment.

The first coalition meeting, held on Friday, February 12 while the GOP hosted their kickoff event for legislative candidates, was also timed to send a specific message to the GOP and other national organizations or national personalities:

“Welcome us, get to know us, but don’t try to take us over and don’t take us for granted.”

This message was echoed by Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, who addressed the GOP Kickoff by phone. Bachmann said, “All across the country in deep blue states, with the traction of Tea Party and Constitutional conservatives, we’re seeing a new energy that we’ve never seen before! I just want to encourage you to embrace this new energy and vibrancy and movement.”

Congressman Rehberg hold Q&A with TEA Party leaders from across the state.

Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-MT, requested a meeting with the Montana Tea Party Coalition which was also attended by state representatives affiliated with the Tea Party movement including Reps. Joel Boniek, Mike Miller and Gordy Vance.  During the meeting, Rehberg reiterated that he has no desire to takeover the TeaParty but also urged us not run third party candidates which would likely assure victory for the Democrats. He pointed the example of his 1996 race against Sen. Max Baucus for the Montana Senate seat which Rehberg lost by 16,000 votes.  Rehberg said that a Baucus intern ran as a Reform Party candidate and drew 25,000 votes. The Reform Party was founded by Ross Perot in 1992 and qualified to field candidates in Montana elections.  Rehberg supports Audit the Fed legislation and meets weekly with Ron Paul and the Liberty Caucus. Responding to a question from Ken Champion, Bozeman Tea Party Chairman, Rehberg said he’d look into co-sponsoring HR 450, the Enumerated Powers Act, a bill that would require Congress to specify the source of authority under the United States Constitution for the enactment of laws, and for other purposes.

Please stay tuned for what is next for the TEA party groups across Montana!  This is a very exciting year and as the election approaches you should expect to hear from us!

Montana Shrugged